Home / Shop / Frankford Arsenal F-1 Single Stage Reloading Press

Frankford Arsenal F-1 Single Stage Reloading Press

SKU: FFF1122194
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3 In Stock


The Frankford Arsenal F-1 Single Stage Press is packed with innovative features to help you reload precisely and quickly so you spend less time reloading and more time on the range. At its core, the F-1 features a linear ball bearing system for smooth operation, an integrated LED light, a fully contained primer catch system, and precision-machined solid steel construction. Compatible with standard 7/8″x14 dies, this press will load up to .338 Lapua size cartridges.

Additional information
Weight 11.9 lbs


Single Stage

Product Model




Press Type

Single Stage

Die Size

1-1/4"-12 without Bushing, 7/8"-14 with Bushing

Frame Style


Priming Feature


Review & Questions Summary
4.50 of 5
Reviewed by 2 People
  1. Mike McLaughlin (verified owner)

    Nice little press. the price was right and the shipping was fast. I also love the led light at the top.

    Mike McLaughlin (verified owner)

  2. David Wilson (verified owner)

    Well built and seems to be precise with operation. Haven’t got to use it a whole lot yet but from what I have it seems like a good press.

    David Wilson (verified owner)

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