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Lyman Accu-Touch 2000 Digital Powder Scale 2000 Grain

SKU: LYM7751558


2 In Stock


The Accu-Touch 2000 reloading scale from Lyman offers many revolutionary features. It comes with a removable powder trickler that can be mounted on the scale in a right or left-hand position. Unlike most competitive digital scales, the Accu-Touch 2000 is accurate to within 1/10 of a grain over its full, extra large, 2000 grain capacity. It works in either grain or gram mode. The handy pop-out tray on the back stores all your accessories, and the fold back dust cover keeps the scale protected. Also includes calibration weight, universal AC adapter, and cleaning brush. It will also run on a 9V battery (not included).

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2000 Grain

Product Model

Accu-Touch 2000



0.1 Grains

Max Powder Charge

2000 Grains

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